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A Completed Entry Form consists of the following:

1. User Profile Information

2. An essay, written by the entrant, which describes his or her research and showcases its innovation for the field. The essay must not exceed 1,000 words in length. The applicant must have performed all of the.

3. A one-page letter of recommendation from his or her postdoctoral adviser, supervisor, or other senior colleague who is familiar with the entrant's work.

4. A Curriculum Vitae that includes the following:

a.) Full citations of papers that the entrant has published on the research described in the essay; b.) Academic and professional awards and honors that the entrant has received; and c.) Relevant professional experience

5. Copies of two of the entrant's papers that are most relevant to the essay.

The Entry Form and additional submission materials must be submitted electronically through this prize management system.

Below is a general timeline for the prize selection process. You will be contacted only if there are additional materials or information needed.

October/November/December: Compilation and Review of Submissions

January: Selection of Prize Winner

Spring 2020: Announcement of Prize Winner and Awards Ceremony during the upcoming Research Xchange Forum 2020 


Deadline for Submissions: October 1, 2020

Click Here to Submit an Entry for the 2020 Sartorius & Science Prize